Can we find 500 good men and women to govern India?
abHIjit SENgupta
(The writer is former secretary to the Government of India)
The punishment suffered by wise men who do not take part in government, is to suffer under the government of worse men.
*Jan Jamawat
Norms for selecting the trust’s candidates:
that they must not stay, if elected, for more than two terms.
there could be some age restriction, if only to give younger people a chance to govern themselves; this need not be for the Trustees themselves, but for the candidates.
there should be gender sensitivity in the process of selection.
they must possess humility in eminence, and a certain ‘learning’ - secular, forward looking, sensitive; traits that most of our present day leaders lack.
*read full art.@
One Netaji, One Shastriji....!
Urgent need for a great leadership and good governance!!
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