Aum Shri Sainathaya Namah.
Aum, obeisance to Shri Sainath.
for each,
for ALL,
- Shaila Hattiangadi
A book on Shirdi Sai
Unique and divine man who walked on the EARTH
Came to EARTH to save humanity
Came to save persons of all time
Shirdi Sai loves ALL!
Sai's teachings
-just a simple 'n' sweet sample
Beware of Shadripus(6 enemies) namely
Krodha or anger
Lobha or Greed
Iccha or Desire
Moha or Delusion
Mada or Pride
Matsara or Jealousy
- evils a human being has to fight, to attain
perfect bliss and remain in that state.
Suppressing them totally is difficult.
But, put them under control.
Note:I have not written(/attempted for) a review for the book.
Just giving a reference book on Shirdi Sai.
*More Ref:

Other books by the same author
Shaila Hattiangadi
Sai Story
Sainubhav(collection of devotees' experiences)
*A popular devotional song:
your devotionally,
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