BEee HAPPeeee!!

BEee HAPPeeee!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Relax 'N' See With Broadband Smile:)

When our vision is normal, we may not notice the wonder of our eyesight;
But when it deteriorates, suddenly we become aware of the importance of perfect

Q. Is there a natural way to improve defective vision? and
restore it to normal?

The answer is, fortunately, a STRONG YES, says
a pioneer in the field of holistic eye care.


Because everyday life strains our eyes, the eye muscles get weakened and
our vision declines.
But just as other muscles of the body can be strengthened through proper
exercises, so the eye muscles can become strong and healthy again.

By gently relaxing stretching and strengthening the eye muscles, we
improve their health and thus improve our vision.


The School for Perfect Eye Sight at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, India, uses combined naturopathy with the Bates method ( and the integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. The school aims at bringing to his patients
perfect eye sight in a natural way.



>More details:

Yoga of Perfect Sight
Dr. R.S.Agarwal

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