Mantralya raghavendra swamy mahayatam

ParimalAcharya (Mantralya raghavendra swamy)
Philosophy of 'pindi' muggu?
(patterns like the one in the pic below)
ParimalAchArya's reasoning:
service(a dharma) to creatures like ants
(jeevarAsula parOpakAramu)
Muggu conveys the following:
life is full of UPs and DOWNs.
Peacefully and courageously, always meditating upon GOD,
crossing hardships (~dots in muggu) to achieve an absolute life!
*image src:
* DeepAradhana
peeTam (base): Brahma
kAndamu (walls): Vishnu
pramida (oil-filled pUja device): shiva
deepam: mahA lakshmi
jyothi: saraswati
vatti: tyagam (sacrifice)
Five faces are like the following 5 qualities what a woman possesses:
forgiving nature
Q. Why many religions?
ans. Having many religions is not a problem
they target at reaching the almighty
(like all rivers finally join ocean!)
We all, though from different paths, finally reach almighty by devotion.
One-ness of Lord shiva and Lord vishnu:
a hari = i hara
Q. which is great?
ans. Which is great?
-eye or vision?
fruit or taste
bell or it's sound
tree or its shadow
which is greater than all the above?
Lord shiva devotees..Nayanars..praised lord vishnu
Alvars(devotees of vishnu) praised lord shiva
No difference from Hari and Hara- by Tikkanamatya(a great poet who translated Maha bharatam in Telugu)
Swami Ayyappa was born to Shiva and Mohini(an incarnation of Lord vishnu)
(from Mahabharata)
Arjuna, a devotee of lord krishna(an incarnation of lord-vishnu), with His blessings, wins pasupatAstra from Lord shiva.
Lord Vishnu Said:
You and I are one and the same
- Vishnu purana
Q. Chakradhari (lord vishnu)
Jaladhari (lord Shiva)
if they are one and the same, why two different temple?
ans. What we always could see is one view at a time, but have two eyes. What's the logic behind this?
One eye is not sufficient??
Like wise,
lord shiva is one eye,
lord vishnu is another eye.
More Q's
Q. Who has more patience than earth?
ans. mother
Q. Greater than sky?
ans. father
Q. Faster than wind?
ans. mind
Q. Thing that grows with speed?
ans. river
Q. Thing that gets satisfaction by sacrifice?
ans. life
Q. Dharma stands because of..?
ans. Continuous efforts and hard work
Q. Fame live forever.. when?
ans. a quality of self-less giving
Q. house of heaven?
ans. Truth
Q. base of absolute peace..?
ans. self-contentment
Q. The biggest enemy of humans?
ans. anger
Q. never-curable disease?
ans. endless(unbounded) desires
Q. cry?
ans. ignorance
Q. reason for birth?
ans. desire
Q. Who goes to hell permanently?
ans. being so rich but never donates
Q. Wealth for humans?
ans. Health
Q. Which has to be regulated and controlled properly to avoid worries?
ans. mind
Q. danger when you exceed?
ans. speed limit (slowness is always safer!)
Q. The ultimate greatness..?
ans. renouncing all worldly-desires
Q. When a man is like living-but-died?
ans. extreme-poverty
Q. Constitution dies when?
ans. corruption dominates..badly!
Q. When a man experiences permanent happiness(of 'soul')?
ans. When he realizes GOD
Q. question that remains (UN-answered)forever?
ans. creation of the universe!!
Q. Brahmanism?
ans. Not the one that comes by birth
One who has dignity and character
Questions from a classical bharata natyam dancer
Q. How 'Nadam' was born?
ans. 'Aumm.."(Omkaram)
Q. Ragam??
ans. From nadam
Swaram born from sruthi
Ragam born from Swaram
Q. Birth of 'Murchana'?
ans. Sruthi mata(mother)
layam pita(father)
combination of sruthi and laya
Q. Types of raagas?
ans. Janaka and Janyu
avishruta madhyama-36
prati madhyama-36
total: 72 forms
Q. A question on Talas..
Forms of Talas?
ans. Dhruva, Madhya, Triputa, rupaka, jhampe, ata, Eka
joined with
five races called teesram, chaturasram, khandam, misram and sankeernam
finally leading to 35 talas
The expert-dancer challenges Him to deliver poetry to which she
could n't perform..
Swamiji wins..
She begs pardon.
He says..
self-confidence always exists when there is skill/talent.
Don't worry. Ocean's pride because of its' invaluble pearls having within!
Salutations to guru sri raghavendra swamy..and his wonderful wisdom!!
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